AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), is a college preparatory system that prepares students in the academic middle for admission to four-year colleges and universities.
Students accepted into the elective class take an AVID class everyday which means PE would be every other day.
The course’s curriculum focuses on college-readiness skills and knowledge. Students are taught study skills, note taking, time management, writing and research skills, while being immersed in a college-going culture and rigorous courses.
AVID students refine and develop interpersonal skills through collaboration and an emphasis on WICOR (Writing Inquiry Collaboration Organization and Reading).
The class also includes tutoring sessions and provides support for success in the academically rigorous curriculum.
Students in AVID learn information about colleges and universities through field trips, guest speakers, research projects, and
community service.
Cockeysville Middle School has successfully inducted and implemented our first AVID 8th grade class this year.
As a school and program we are dedicated to the AVID mission statement which is “to close the achievement gap and prepare all students for college readiness and success in a global society.”
AVID Recruitment Packet 2022_2023.docx.pdf
AVID Application 2022-2023
AVID Coordinator: Megan Thomas, [email protected]